Spring is a magical time for birders and Tuesday at Green Cay proved to be one of those days when they say "the warblers were dripping from the trees." It was the best migration I've seen on the east coast of Florida this season. In less than an hour I had 11 species including: 32 American Redstarts, 19 Black-throated Blues, and 14 Blackpolls, 11 Black-and-whites, 4 Cape Mays, 4 Northern Parula, 3 Ovenbird, 2 Prairie, 1 Magnolia, 1 Common Yellow-throat, and 1 Worm-eating Warbler. Other observers also found a few Palm Warblers and a Pine Warbler and a Black-throated Green Warbler later in the day.
Spring warblers hold a special place in my heart not only for their coloration and song but because they are the birds that really hooked me into birding. I love the challenge of things that are always hard to reach and these birds definitely will give you a show of twists and turns and bobs and weaves as they circle through the foliage. They can be tricky to ID at times and certainly they don't always cooperate and give you the best looks but they are stunning little devils in their cloak of many colors. More so than anything I revel in watching them flit about the trees and run across the ground. Its days like Tuesday that make me wish that Spring was eternal. I don't think I could ever tire from watching the warbler dance.
All warbler shots taken at Green Cay on April 29, 2008. Used with permission from my buddy, Bill Kominsky.
How beautiful, that has to be a great sight!
It is an amazing spectacle to behold. Spring birding can be fantastic if you're at the right place at the right time.
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