01 May 2008

Backyard Adventures

My backyard is overrun with Starlings, Eurasian Collared-doves, and Common Grackles so when something new pops on the scene I get really excited. The newest bird to my backyard list this week was the Chimney Swift. There were three of these bad boys flying over my backyard, swooping behind the tall Mango trees and then coming back into view for a few precious moments. They were pretty high up but one came in and gave me a great view.

While engrossed in birding I thought I heard an unusual chip note from the shrubs over the fence. I was straining to see in the bushes and when I kept hearing this hissing sound. The little grey kitten we have was beside me so I thought he was being weird but when I turned my head there was this young raccoon right at eye level and only two feet away. I jumped, it jumped and then of course, I ran to get the camera. On my approach back he scrambled up high into the branches but I did get this one crummy shot. I like raccoons on the whole but I'm not sure about this neighborhood dude. Since this encounter it makes me wonder if he would be brave enough to just walk in my back door (I have a bad habit of forgetting to close the door at night). You better believe that I won't be taking any chances with this young raccoon.

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