14 August 2014

Shelter Work and Updates

Working for an Animal Shelter was not even on my radar but when the prospects of moving to Colorado emerged, I found myself with a job at a local shelter.  The job market here is tough and though I rather be in Environmental Education or Parks, the shelter job is working out better than I imagined.  For one, I get to teach kids to keep cats indoors - this is something that I am definitely passionate about.  Second, I still get the chance to work with kids, volunteers, and people in the community.  Lastly, I am slowly making connections, making improvements to the current program and when I do leave, I know I will have done my job to make this place a more efficient and fun workplace.

Hopefully in December I will graduate with my Master's in Recreation and Parks Management and with this new title, perhaps more doors will come open in Colorado.  Until then, you'll find me teaching community members and engaging volunteers.  Of course, if you know of a job prospect, I'm still on the search and would love to move back into my field of parks/environmental education.  Here's my visual resume for anyone looking for a hardworking candidate:

In the meantime, I'm hoping to give this blog a little reboot. Look for more posts soon on all things birds, nature, camping, and life in general as naturalist living near the Rockies.

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