Is it Friday yet, do I get to kick up my legs like the slider above?? I'll be working Saturday so the fun isn't over. If you're interested in Alligators I will be teaching a class at 1PM at the Green Cay Nature Center.
As for other news, I saw my second House Wren of the season at Green Cay yesterday on the walk out. Also the migrants were having fun up in the oak trees on the walkway entrance. The weather is cooling down and I will be anxious to get out there later today to see what may be dropping down. Certainly, there's always something new to be discovered.
On my bird count last week I had Sora, a female Northern Harrier, the previous reported Merlin, 4 species of warbler, and the normal waders and ducks. Mixed in with the 50 or so Blue-winged Teal were 3 Green-winged Teal. That's always a pleasant surprise to find them in the pack.
Definitely the winter residents have returned and that includes the people. If you want some solitude on the boardwalk I suggest come late in the afternoon. Most of the walkers are pounding out the boards in the morning. The afternoon is normally a little slow but the wildlife action doesn't slow down!
Love that photo!
Looks like the turtle is getting ready for a belly flop.
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