12 September 2009

Bird of the Day

Photo taken by Bill Kominsky at Green Cay.

We had our Birds and Breakfast program at Green Cay today. The best bird, a Belted Kingfisher on a snag. It swooped down to catch fish and preened away afterwards. It gave use up close looks and with the scope we could check out that rocking mohawk. I love leading bird trips at work and this group was exceptionally great. They were patient and quiet and they loved the walk. Due to a Cooper's Hawk the warblers laid low but it was a nice day at the wetlands. The next Birds and Breakfast will be November 15th, sign up now!

1 comment:

Joe Sebastiani said...

Tell me about your "birding and breakfast" program. I work for the Delaware Nature Society and would just like to see how your run it. We might be interested in doing such a thing.