04 October 2008

Fungus Among Us

Growing on a Live Oak at Bulow Creek State Park was this mushroom. When I saw it I instantly thought Chicken of the Woods (Laetiporus) but I'm not completely certain. Regardless, it's quite a specimen and the color is superb. Chicken of the Woods or Sulphur Shelf as its sometimes known is named for its taste (like lemony chicken) and it's color. This edible mushroom can be diced and cooked like chicken in many dishes. I wish I could have snagged some for a taste...maybe next time.


island timer said...

and sometimes the unspoken "code of ethics" comes into play...

I know the feeling well!!
Recently I found wild orchids in the nature preserve next door. I felt like I should bring them home so they could be "properly cared for". I didn't... in hopes that they'll create more - where they're supposed to be.

Hopefully these mushrooms will do the same!!!

Eva Matthews said...

I'm with you on that account as well. Sometimes leaving them in their natural state is for the best. It's so tempting sometimes though.