08 September 2014

Rocky Mountain Sunset

Friday evening we drove over Trail Ridge Road to Grand Lake but as the clouds gave us a break we jumped out for a quick look around Rock Cut Trail.  We searched for a Ptarmigan but despite the Horned Larks and the distant bugle of a male Elk, we came up short.

Our closest wildlife encounter was with the Marmots that littered the sides of the trail.  After that it was just a thousand rocks that all looked like a Ptarmigan in the afternoon sun.

We eventually gave us birding and took in the beautiful vistas and completely empty trail at Rock Cut.  It was surreal being up above treelike on a busy trail with NO ONE in sight.  Even the cars going by on Trail Ridge were few and far between.

It was a glorious start to a relaxing mountainous weekend.  I am so grateful to live in such a beautiful world and have Rocky Mountain National Park in my backyard.

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