26 June 2012

The Canopy Tower: Arrival Day!

We left Miami at 9AM and by noon we were at The Canopy Tower.  We were escorted straight to lunch and then onto the Rainfomobile for some afternoon birding. Our first destination was Summit Ponds and Old Gamboa Road.  Alex was great at making sure everyone had good looks at the birds.  Emily and I had over 50 lifers by the time we left for dinner.

The first pond held a great surprise, a Capped Heron.  Before we left there were a total of 3 Capped Herons hanging out, one even did some displaying.  We also had Boat-billed Heron, Amazon Kingfisher, and Great Ani all at the pond.

We headed down the trail and picked up many new flycatchers, tanagers, and the best bird of the day a Spectacled Owl.  It was a great look at such a cool owl up close.  I knew that the trip to Panama would be fun but I had no idea how amazing the birding would be.  We headed back to the Tower for some delicious dinner and a chance to unwind.  It was a busy day and one to remember.

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